Engage your 'accidental audiences'
The ‘Good Friend’, ‘Tag Along’, or ‘Something-to-do-on-a-Saturday’ audience member probably visits you more than you realize. Every day people walk in your doors for reasons that have nothing to do with your subject. (They might even just want your air conditioning!) Even these‘Accidental Audience’ members can engage, come back, and bring friendsif you help them discover something meaningful. But, helping a less-engaged audience find that meaning isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach.
Open questions are a great way tocreate an unexpected interaction and help people connect personallyto your subject. Here are three question starters, based on simple personas, that you can use right away to engage diverse audiences no matter why they walked in:
The Creative: What do you think of when I say…
This lets creative thinkers free associate. And if you can remember what they share, weave it back in later in your program for that added personal anchor.The Nostalgic: Think of a time when you…
This lets those who reminisce reflect on their own favorite memories, which often come with emotional echoes, keeping people open to exploring your subject.The Problem Solver: Are you more likely to X or Y if…
This gives people safe emotional distance to relate your story to their lives, especially on complex topics that deepen as you add layers.
These questions work because they allow people to answer from their own expertise—their lives. Your role is to finish the question so they can connect personally to your subject.
If you want to fosternew connections and deeper engagementwith visitors, let’s chat. We can explore how to facilitate more meaning-making in your programs.