Ways We Support Your Work
You deserve focused attention on your specific goals. Start with a package program or tell me about your specific goals and let’s create exactly what you need. Scroll down to find more information on Stage Naked signature courses, upcoming events where Kristin will be speaking.
If you are looking for the Certificate in Interpretive Guiding offered by the NAI, click here
Memorability and Storytelling
This 16 hour course for 10-20 students will ground you in the key fundamentals of interpretation. Participants will learn how to organize a program whether you are giving a 1 hour lecture or a 2 week tour. We will cover audience analysis, turning a talk into an exploration, and how relatability and enjoyability can have audience members thinking about the experience long after they leave you.
This half-day program will level up your skills in the art of museum storytelling for relevance, having tying programs to goals, and engagement for lasting impact.
Students leave with an outline for their own impact story that can be used in existing programs or as the basis for a new program.
Modern audiences want to be part of what they are experiencing. So modern storytelling is increasingly interactive. Learn how to include a variety of interactions in the body of a talk, and use questioning structures to turn presentations into explorations. Programs Include:
Make it Memorable
Storytelling for Guides
Unleash your Vocal Superpowers
Complexity & Facilitation
Modern audiences want to be part of what they are experiencing. So modern storytelling is increasingly interactive. Learn how to include a variety of interactions in the body of a talk, and use questioning structures to turn presentations into explorations. Programs Include:
Going Dialogic
How Do You Know That?
Productive Discomfort - coming 2025
Ongoing Support
Are you ready to make your programs engaging, interactive, and appealing to new audiences? Most programs have plenty of jumping off points to start increasing the amount of audience participation from the simple use of questioning strategies to full dialogic programs using an arc of dialogue model. Together we focus on whichever aspect of your work you like - program design, interaction, storytelling, relevance, or a little of each!
$150/hr. Package rates available.
Do you have a program you want reviewed for it’s foundational strengths and opportunities to get more juice for the squeeze? We will review your goals/audience/theme, up to 1 hour of a program (either live or pre-recorded) and give you your feedback in either a 30 minute live zoom conversation or a written summary.
Are you looking for support as you develop something new, or redevelop something existing? This package includes:
evaluation of 1 program outline including your goals/objectives and audience analysis.
3 45-minute calls as you iterate and develop
Evaluation of final program with feedback - 90 minutes
Need interpretive support without having a full time interpretive planner on staff? The Interpreter in Residence program allows you to set the pace. Custom packages of site visits, program evaluations, leadership and team trainings will allow you to meet your program goals.
Contact for pricing.
Upcoming Events & Signature Classes
Memory Magic (online)
December 17th, 2:00pm. Zoom
This 2 hour workshop will allow you to explore 4 power principles that will help your talk stick in the minds of your listeners. Live-online means an opportunity for live feedback as you apply these principles to your own work. Workbook Included
Generational Soup and More...
November 11th and 12th
Tour Connect, Denver, CO
If you are coming to Tour Connect in Denver this year, I hope to see you at one of my sessions!
Generational Soup: In this workshop we explore how to create commentary that goes beyond generational groupings and uses strategies to keep everyone engaged.
Touchy Subjects: Sometimes we have to have difficult conversations with our guests. Bring your questions - I agreed to sit in the hot seat!
PETRO - Add Fuel to Your Tour with Interpretation: Together with Paul Caputo and Heather Manier of NAI, we will explore how interpretation adds real juice to your tours!