Answers Unwrapped
In Answers Unwrapped I take questions I've had in class and bring the answers back to 'the full room' of newsletter and blog readers.
Vocal Flex & Emotional Depth
Having a flexible voice that responds dynamically to the stories you tell will infuse every talk you give with more interest. If you take the time to actually train your voice, it’s like hitting the gym before running a marathon.
When Glazed Eyes are Good!
Despite your well designed program and cheerful manner, you see glazed looks in the eyes of audience members and realize that they have checked out. Does that mean you should give up your public speaking and take up pet grooming? NO! It might mean you’re succeeding.
Belonging, Buzz, Repeat
Some years ago I was stunned to learn that my company spent as much to attract each new client as I’d spend on my new car! Considering the investment your organization is making, whatever it is, you want to make the most of that investment by ensuring that every program you craft does at least one of three things.
Welcoming Them In
Have you ever experienced a speaker with the dreaded "Ferris Bueller's Teacher Syndrome"? You know the one. Bueller? Bueller?
You don't ever, ever, want to be Ferris Bueller's teacher. Not when coaching your staff, presenting to your guests, or communicating with any audience anywhere, any time.
Getting Deliberate with What's Next
…I was struck by a line from the president, Laura L. Lott. "Let’s be hopeful and energized for a new horizon. But let's also be deliberate in building what's next."
I meant what I said & I said what I meant
In the Dr. Seuss tale, Horton the elephant agrees to sit on an egg so that Maisy the bird can take a break. A task that proves to be harder than Horton anticipated. But he sticks with it because he said he would. Horton knew that keeping that egg warm was important, as was keeping faith and honoring his own integrity.
Connecting Deeply
Engaging storytelling speaks to the listener and connects to their own emotions, personal experiences, and modern concerns. Here are a few tips that will get you started transforming information into entertaining, engaging, and memorable stories.